Interface InternalPlantModelService

All Superinterfaces:
PlantModelService, TCSObjectService

public interface InternalPlantModelService
extends PlantModelService
Declares the methods the plant model service must provide which are not accessible to remote peers.
  • Method Details

    • expandResources

      java.util.Set<TCSResource<?>> expandResources​(java.util.Set<TCSResourceReference<?>> resources) throws ObjectUnknownException
      Expands a set of resources A to a set of resources B. B contains the resources in A with blocks expanded to their actual members. The given set is not modified.
      resources - The set of resources to be expanded.
      The given set with resources expanded.
      ObjectUnknownException - If any of the referenced objects does not exist.
    • loadPlantModel

      void loadPlantModel() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
      Loads the saved model into the kernel. If there is no saved model, a new empty model will be loaded.
      java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the model cannot be loaded.
    • savePlantModel

      void savePlantModel() throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
      Saves the current model under the given name. If there is a saved model, it will be overwritten.
      java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the model could not be persisted for some reason.